If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. NOVEMBER 2021
We are delighted to issue our November’s Rep(l)ay. November is also a special month for us.
To begin with, we celebrated the fourth anniversary of the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme!
Secondly, we have just published the second version of the SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme rulebook!
Also, we have published one interesting Insights interview with Thomas Egner, Secretary General, Euro Banking Association (EBA) to know more about the key findings of the Euro Banking Association (EBA)’s recent Request to Pay survey.
Furthermore, the four 2021 EPC SEPA scheme rulebooks entered into force on 21 November 2021.

And this is not all, discover more in our newest Rep(l)ay issue!
Strong corporate appetite for European Request to Pay services

We had the pleasure to interview Thomas Egner, Secretary General, Euro Banking Association (EBA) to know more about the key findings of the Euro Banking Association (EBA)’s recent Request to Pay survey.

Read this article

Thomas Egner

Secretary General Euro Banking Association (EBA)

News The EPC published the second version of the SRTP scheme rulebook

Today we published the second version of the SEPA Request-To-Pay (RTP) scheme rulebook. The second version (2.0) of the SRTP scheme rulebook includes enhanced functionalities and is based on the comments received in response to the three-month public consultation.

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News Document on the standardisation and governance of QR-codes for Instant Payments at the Point of Interaction (IPs at the POI)

The ad-hoc multi-stakeholder group on Mobile Initiated (instant) SEPA Credit Transfers (MSG MSCT), which is facilitated by the European Payments Council (EPC), developed a new document on the standardisation and governance of QR-codes for Instant Payments at the Point of Interaction (IPs at the POI).

Read this article

Infographic SCT Inst today (November 2021)

Technical documents Minutes of the 2nd meeting of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
Agenda of the 4th meeting of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
Agenda of the 3rd meeting of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
Guidelines for the appearance of mandates in the SEPA Direct Debit schemes
Creditor Identifier Overview
Clarification paper on SEPA Direct Debit Core and SEPA Direct Debit Business-to-Business rulebooks
Guidance on reason codes for SEPA Direct Debit R-transactions
Guidance on reason codes for SEPA Credit Transfer R-transactions
Guidance on reason codes for SEPA Instant Credit Transfer R-transactions
Agendas and Minutes of the 23rd and 24th MSG MSCT Plenary meetings

Document library

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