Thank you for reading the Electric Quilt newsletter!

Issue: May 2020 – Mid-month Updates!

Happy Mother's Day!
Dear Jane Quilt Gallery

Show us your Dear Janes!

(Or just enjoy the view!) We've just created a special Dear Jane Gallery so you can post pictures, comment, and browse other gorgeous Dear Janes!


EQ8 Block Spotlight

EQ8 Block Spotlight

Have you participated in our EQ8 Block Spotlight yet? It's easy and fun! Each month we pick a block from the EQ8 Block Library and show you a few quilt-design ideas using that block. Then we want YOU to show us what you can do with the block in EQ8! Come see what May's featured block is and join in on the fun! View EQ8 Block Spotlight >

Design and Sew Along 2 with Yvonne Menear

Sew Along - Lesson 1!

Another EQ8 Sew Along has begun! In this series of lessons, you'll be concentrating on using the built-in elements of EQ8 to create designs. This is great for beginners! Videos are included and you can print the lessons! View Lesson 1 >


Designed in EQ by Diana Vandeyar!

This is the first time Diana experimented with placing quilting stencils on the quilt-top design in EQ. See more pictures of this colorful quilt and many others on Diana's Instagram, @dianavandeyar. 

Want to learn to use stencils in EQ? See this month's Design & Discover lesson on the blog!

Circles by Diana Vandeyar on Instagram

Designed in EQ by Patti Carey!

Patti is a long-time EQ user and her quilt, "Covered Buttons" is on the cover of McCall's Quilting (May/June) magazine! Love it! Get the pattern in the magazine and see more of Patti's work on her Instagram, @PattisPatchwork.

Covered Buttons by Patti Carey (McCall's Quilting Magazine)


EQ Freebies

EQ Freebies

In case you missed this month's freebies, get them now!

Project of the Month: Pretty Pastels

Fabric of the Month: Planted with Love (and the fabric giveaway!)

Design & Discover Lesson: Stencils


Have you entered yet?

May Contest: What are you listening to these days? We'd love to know which podcasts you're enjoying while you quilt. Send us your answer for a chance to win a free Stash download! Read the full contest details >


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