
The coronavirus has claimed more than 600 lives. The Fed said the epidemic presents a new risk to the U.S. economic outlook, warning of disruptions to global markets. It’s also triggering more onerous travel restrictions and allegations of discrimination. China has named two officials to lead its response to the crisis, which originated in the city of Wuhan. A citizen journalist who has been reporting from within the city is now missing.  Here’s the latest. —Josh Petri

Here are today’s top stories

Alexander Vindman, who testified in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, was escorted out of the White House on Friday. The decorated Army lieutenant colonel had reported to his superiors that Trump demanded Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. His twin brother, Yevgeny, was also dismissed from his post as an ethics lawyer for the National Security Council.

Trump won an appeals court ruling blocking a lawsuit by 215 congressional Democrats who contend he has been profiting from foreign government spending at his properties in violation of the Constitution. Trump faces another legal fight over access to his tax returns.

New York said it will sue to block Trump from banning state residents from enrolling in the federal government’s Trusted Traveler Programs.

Ford promoted one of two presidents who were leading candidates to become the automaker’s next CEO. The other left.

A sexist joke cost Ken Fisher almost $4 billion in assets. That would hurt most money managers, but today he’s still managing $121 billion.

On the list of Bad Stuff That Could Happen, a massive plasma ejection from the sun may not be an everyday worry, but it’s a huge threat to space commerce.

What’s Luke Kawa thinking about? The Bloomberg cross-asset reporter says U.S. Treasuries are on track for their worst week since November, but the decline was smaller than either of the gains over the past two weeks. Charlie McElligott at Nomura Holdings outlines the reasons for the reversal: markets are presently “numb” to news about the coronavirus, stimulus is coming and economic-surprise indexes are turning up.

What you’ll need to know tomorrow

  • U.S. stocks limped into the weekend after a four-day rally.
  • Credit Suisse ousted its CEO after a spying scandal.
  • Pete Buttigieg pulled ahead of Sanders in Iowa delegates.
  • Penn Station still stinks, but at least the neighborhood is looking up.
  • You could wear nothing but a t-shirt in Antarctica right now. 
  • Climate change is even coming for your Oreos.
  • Put your bonus to better use: Buy something that will appreciate.

What you’ll want to read in Bloomberg Pursuits

Buy A Fraction of a Baseball Card? A Warhol?

Jonathan Sharpe never thought of himself as a “baseball guy,” but when he saw a 1909 Honus Wagner T206 baseball card valued at $520,000, he decided to buy it. Not all of it, though. The card was being issued through a fractional ownership collectibles site. There were 10,000 shares valued at $52 apiece.

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