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No. 424 | 07.02.2023

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus und der SGA. Heute über die Spannungen innerhalb der Ostafrikanischen Gemeinschaft und den Konflikt zwischen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und Ruanda. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Lektüre!

Conflicts and tensions - a threat to the East Africa Community?

The East Africa Community (EAC), one of the most important political-economic unions in Africa consisting of the Congo, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania is looking towards an uncertain future. The EAC is pushing for further unification and economic integration with plans to establish a common currency in the 300 million people strong union. However, increasing tensions and ongoing crises in and between member states are threatening to derail these aspirations.

Tensions over economic opportunities trouble the relationship between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. South Sudan has been stuck in crisis since joining the EAC. However, the conflict in East Congo and the increasingly deteriorating relationship between the DRC and Rwanda over who is to blame for the conflict poses the biggest danger to regional stability. The EAC has launched an intervention to ‘impose’ peace on Eastern Congo and its 130 armed groups. While currently there is little danger of the EAC breaking apart, tensions and conflict threaten to compromise the relevance of the most important regional organisations in Africa.

Naïra Goetschel

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Sign up here
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Thursday, 23 February 2023, 13 - 14.00h, Auditorium Ivan Pictet B, Maison de la paix and online.
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Anna-Lina Müller
Co-Geschäftsführerin foraus - Forum Aussenpolitik

Darius Farman

Co-directeur foraus - Forum de politique étrangère
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