Nr. 444 | 12.12.2023

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute über mögliche Folgen des neuen Flüchtlingabkommens zwischen Grossbritanien und Rwanda auf die zukünftige europäische Asylpraxis. 

Another attempt by the UK to implement its controversial asylum proposal

Last week, UK Home Secretary James Cleverly visited Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, to sign a new refugee agreement between the two countries. A few weeks ago, Rishi Sunak's bid to send all asylum seekers to Rwanda was blocked by the Supreme Court due to the country's authoritarian government and lack of rule of law. The deal includes a concession from Rwanda that it will not deport asylum seekers back to their native countries, and that British and Rwandan judges will jointly decide on cases of possible deportation.

This is another chapter in Europe's first country that attempts to outsource its asylum process, closely observed by others. If Rishi Sunak and his cabinet succeed in their mission to fly asylum seekers to Rwanda before the next UK election, it could have far-reaching consequences for European (and global) asylum practices. With the number of asylum seekers in the EU expected to rise dramatically over the next few decades, the outcome could set a precedent for a radical change in asylum practices, which are currently heavily criticised by humanitarian organisations, EU diplomats and business representatives alike.


Samuel Eicher

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foraus-Publikation: Globale Gouvernanz Künstlicher Intelligenz und die Rolle der Schweiz
von Salomé Eggler und Niniane Paeffgen
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by Aude Juillerat, Marie Ferri, Alicia Joho
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by Samuel Eicher und Melina Ehrat
This is the introductory blog article for a four-part blog series created with master students receiving a Hirschmann foundation scholarship. The goal for the multidisciplinary group of future decision-makers was to develop visions on where sharing economy approaches could be implemented to improve our society as a whole.
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von Christoph Wehrli
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SGA-Rückblick: Sicherheitsrat Wochenrückblick
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par Michael Egli
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13 décembre 2023: Les guerres culturelles du XIXe siècle. Religions et sécularisation en europe.

L’Europe a connu, au XIXe siècle, des affrontements majeurs entre libéraux progressistes et chrétiens conservateurs, incapables de se mettre d’accord sur un projet de société commun. Ces conflits, qu’ils se nomment Guerre des deux France, Kulturkampf ou Risorgimento, sont avant tout des crises d’apprentissage du pluralisme au sein des jeunes nations démocratiques. Sarah Scholl analysera, à travers des exemples tirés de son dernier ouvrage (Publications de l’École pratique des hautes études, 2023), quelques enjeux centraux de ces luttes et surtout comment elles ont trouvé leur apaisement par des compromis fragiles, qui sont aujourd’hui au cœur de nouvelles guerres culturelles.

Mercredi, 13 décembre 2023, 18h30 - 20h00, Auditorium A2, Maison de la paix, 1202 Genève
14th December 2023: Islam and Politics - Sufism and its political impact

Join us for an enlightening exploration into the intersection of Islam and Politics in our event, "Islam and Politics: Sufism and its Political Impact," featuring renowned Islam expert Dr. Marta Domínguez Díaz. Delve into the mystical realm of Sufism and its profound influence on politics as Dr. Domínguez provides a compelling analysis of this spiritual dimension within Islam.

Thursday, 14th December 2023, 07:00 pm - 08:30 pm, University of St. Gallen (HSG), Room 11-0051, Guisanstrasse 20, 9010 St. Gallen
Register now
14th December 2023: Think & Drink - Christmas Edition 

Think & Drink - your monthly meet-up with International Geneva! Christmas Edition: In 2023, we've experienced a year filled with significant events, yet in today's world of information overload and rapidly changing news cycles, these crucial occurrences often fade from memory too swiftly. To address this, we've decided to conclude the year with a policy highlight discussion.

Thursday, 14th December 2023, 06:00 pm - 07:30 pm, Unimail, Quai du Mont-Blanc, Noël au Quai, 1205 Genève
Register now
Für Sie ausgewählt
Drei Perspektiven auf das Thema Souveränität | In dieser Folge von Karl der Grosse sprechen Linda Sulzer und André Holenstein über die schweizerische Souveränität und deren Bedeutung für unsere Zukunft.

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