Nr. 453 | 30.04.2024

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute geht es um den Auszug der amerikanischen Truppen aus Niger. Im Fokus stehen die russische Präsenz in Niger und die Gegenmassnahme der U.S.A., um den Einfluss Russlands entgegenzuwirken.

Shifting Alliances and Navigating Uncertainty: The Evolving Dynamics of US-Russia Relations in Niger

For more than a decade, the U.S. military has invested billions of dollars and deployed approximately 1,000 personnel to the West African nation of Niger to support the country in combating terrorism and promoting security. But after a coup in 2023, Niger's new self-proclaimed government has increasingly distanced itself from Western democracies, seeking closer ties with Russia or Iran for security and resource deals. Following the forced withdrawal of French troops last year, Niger has severed its military ties with the United States as announced a few weeks ago, leaving US troops with no choice but to leave their military base in Niger. 

Russia was quick to respond to the withdrawal of US troops, with an aircraft carrying over 100 military trainers and a new air defence system arriving in Niger at the beginning of April. In the wake of the strategic victory and Russia's efforts to strengthen its ties with Niger, the Biden administration is seeking alternative partnerships to Niger’s neighbouring countries such Ghana, Benin and Côte d'Ivoire - an effort to maintain military presence in West Africa. 

After losing access to key military bases that the US relied on to fight groups like ISIS, experts in Washington have raised further concerns about Niger's democratic future. Recent developments raise significant questions about which power will wield influence in Niger and how the country will navigate its path toward stability in the coming years.

Anja Ihle

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2. Mai 2024: Polit-Forum-Bern: Vernissage - die SchwEUz: Können wir Schweiz und EU? 

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8. Mai 2024: Blogworkshop mit dem foraus-Blogteam

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Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Pulverturm | Bern
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Tuesday, 14th May 2024, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Auditorium Ivan Pictet A - Maison de la Paix | Chemin Eugène Rigot 2, 1202 Geneva
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Wednesday, 15th May 2024, 9 am - 9:45 am, online
 21st May 2024: Geneva Graduate Institute: The Present and Future of Indian Democracy: The 2024 General Election

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