Nr. 456 | 11.06.2024

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute geht es um die Ausschreitungen in Neukaledonien und die Rolle von Aserbaidschan im Konflikt.

The Azerbaijani job: What is the link between Azerbaijan and the deadly protests in New Caledonia? 

A new electoral reform introduced by France in its overseas territory of New Caledonia sparked violent protests in the French Pacific, resulting in several deaths. The reform allows people who have lived on the island for more than ten years to vote, much to the anger of the indigenous Kanak community, who  fear being further marginalised. The quest for independence in Caledonia advances as protests intensify.

Meanwhile, a second drama is unfolding in the background: France accuses Azerbaijan and its president, Ilham Aliyev, of meddling in the conflict, according to French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin: “I regret that some of the separatists have made a deal with Azerbaijan”, prompting the Azerbaijani government to deny the allegations as "groundless accusations". However, the presence of Azerbaijani independence supporters on the island and the hoisting of the Azerbaijani flag by demonstrators have further strained relations between Paris and Baku, already tensed  due to France's deepening ties and military support for Armenia, Azerbaijan's historical rival.

According to experts, a possible trigger for France's accusations was the conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in July 2023. Chaired by Aliyev, it coincided with the formation of the Baku Initiative Group - a coalition supporting the independence of several French territories. When violence erupted, the Baku Initiative Group quickly expressed its solidarity with the people of New Caledonia and issued a statement of unwavering support. Given the complicated history between France and Azerbaijan, and the Azerbaijani support  for the indigenous Kanak people, attention remains focused on further developments in New Caledonia.

Anja Ihle

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