Nr. 461 | 10.09.2024

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute steht Mexikos neuste Justizreform im Fokus. Neu werden Richter auf allen Ebenen vom Volk gewählt. Dies löst nicht nur Unstimmigkeiten im Lande aus, sondern gefährdet potenziell auch aussenpolitische Beziehungen mit den USA und Kanada.

Judicial Reform in Mexico: A Populist Push Threatening Independence and Investor Confidence

In Mexico, outgoing President Obrador and his Morena party have recently passed a significant reform of the country’s legal system. At the heart of their argument is the belief that the system suffers from dysfunction, corruption, and impunity, especially when it comes to elite and white-collar crimes. The reform, now enacted, requires that all judges, at every level, be elected by popular vote.

Scholars have long warned that electing judges undermines judicial independence and impartiality. Therefore, critics fear the reform could make Mexico's judiciary vulnerable to pressures from re-election campaigns, interest group lobbying, or even organised crime. As a result, the reform has deeply divided Mexican society, with strong opposition emerging from various parts of the population. The Morena government argues that this change is necessary to ensure the judiciary reflects the will of the people. This move follows global populist trends seen in the U.S., Hungary, and Poland, where similar shifts have challenged the separation of powers and judicial independence.

More globally, a weakened judicial system in Mexico could jeopardise foreign investment and economic diplomacy, raising concerns among key trading partners like the U.S. and Canada.  Analysts have warned that the reforms might violate principles of the United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement, as government agencies, rather than independent institutions, could end up ruling on disputes. Other experts argue that confidence in Mexico's rule of law is already low, and some suggest that similar reforms in developing countries have not significantly impacted investor interest. Only time will reveal the full effects of the judicial reform on Mexico's economic and diplomatic standing. 

Lea Kohli

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26th September 2024: On Taiwan's Sovereignty

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Thursday, 26th September, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, University of Zurich, Room KOL-F-101 | Rämistrasse 59, 8006 Zurich
27-28. Septembre 2024: Colloque international 

Participez les 27 septembre (9h30 - 18h15) et 28 septembre 2024 (9h00 - 12h30). Le colloque, intitulé « Les marges de manœuvre et les acteurs des décisions d’intégration européenne en période de crise de l’ordre mondial, 1950-2024 », réunira des experts tels que Joachim Bitterlich, Pat Cox et Viviane Reding. Conférences et discussions en français et en anglais.

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Sur inscription
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Tuesday, 1st October 2024, 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM, via Zoom
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Sur inscription
11th October 2024: The Arctic as Conflicted Region: Indigenous Rights and Geopolitical Interests

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