Nr. 468 | 17.12.2024

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute steht der Migrationskorridor am Horn von Afrika zur Arabischen Halbinsel im Fokus. Auch zwei Jahre nach einem Friedensabkommen in Äthiopien sind zahlreiche Menschen auf der Flucht.

The Forgotten Eastern Migration Corridor

The Eastern Corridor, a perilous migration route between the Horn of Africa and Yemen, remains largely overlooked by Western media. It is one of the busiest and most dangerous migration corridors in the world, used by hundreds of thousands of migrants, most of whom rely on smugglers. Ethiopian migrants fleeing conflict, climate crises and poverty dominate the route. They cross the Gulf of Aden in small boats from Somaliland and Djibouti to reach war-torn Yemen, before trekking to Saudi Arabia in search of work.

Despite hopes for stability following Ethiopia's 2022 peace agreement between the government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), unrest continues. Military tensions and drone strikes now plague the Amhara region as the government clashes with the Fano militia. Once allies against the TPLF, the Fano opposes the peace deal, feeling betrayed by unfulfilled promises. Meanwhile, Tigrayan refugees fear returning home due to trauma and possible persecution. Their journey along the eastern corridor is fraught with danger. Thousands perish in the desert or at sea, while others fall victim to kidnappers and murderers. Those who reach Saudi Arabia face brutal treatment. A Human Rights Watch report in 2022 documented widespread killings of migrants by Saudi border guards and estimated hundreds, possibly thousands, of deaths.

The allegations of systematic killings of migrants at the Saudi Arabia - Yemen border raise concerns about violations of international law. Furthermore, the harrowing journey along the Eastern Migration Corridor underscores the desperation of those risking everything to survive, and highlights the urgent need for international attention and action to address this humanitarian crisis.

Lea Kohli

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Panzer um Panzer, Drohne um Drohne. In dieser Episode geht es um die die Onlineplattform Oryx, auf der sich nachschauen lässt, welches Kriegsgerät im Ukraine-Krieg schon zerstört wurde. Der Betreiber der Website tut dies freiwillig – aus Überzeugung.

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