Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus und der SGA. Heute über Cyber-Attacken, Vergewaltigung als Kriegswaffe und Wahlen im Iran.
#Wannacry for the Future?
Über hundert Länder weltweit wurden letzten Freitag Opfer einer globalen Ransomeware-Attacke. Die Schadsoftware «WannaCry» verschlüsselte Computerdaten und forderte dann Lösegeld. Krankenhäuser, Unternehmen, Privatpersonen und Regierungen waren betroffen. Eine Frage steht nun im Raum: Ist das die Zukunft? Und wie sollen wir mit Cyberangriffen umgehen? Denn letztere sind deshalb besonders gefährlich, weil die Tätersuche unglaublich schwierig ist und somit Staaten vor grosse Herausforderungen in der Strafverfolgung stellt. Schliesslich können ohne klare TäterInnen und Spielregeln solche Angriffe kaum verhindert werden. Ist es deshalb vielleicht an der Zeit für eine «Digital Geneva Convention», wie Microsoft es vorschlägt?
War is loud: exploding bombs and shooting guns can be heard everywhere in war zones. But in fact, there are other, more silent ways of defeating an enemy. Civilians and mostly women are the main victims of these methods. According to The New York Times, rape, sexual abuse and sexual harassment are common crimes in unstable regions. Not only do the offenders get away with it, but also do the abuses have long-term repercussions on women’s health and social inclusion. To bring back our girls is great, but what about not touching them to begin with?
Théoda Woeffray
Un meilleur avenir pour l'Iran?
L’Iran, un pays qui, de l’extérieur semble bien se porter, notamment grâce à sa place importante sur la scène internationale, souffre à l’intérieur. Avec huit millions de personnes sans emploi, nombreux sont ceux qui se retrouvent pris dans le cercle vicieux de la pauvreté. Pourtant, avec comme favori le président sortant, Rouhani qui incarne une Iran plutôt modérée, et le conservateur Raisi, l’aile dure du régime, les Iraniens se font peu d’illusions quant à une possible amélioration de la situation à l’intérieur du pays. Toutefois, sur la scène internationale, il y aura bel et bien un impact.
Kimberley Mills
Die SGA-Kolumne«Von VUCA zu Europa»deutet den Sieg des Europäers Emmanuel Macron als Hoffnung für die EU und als eine Mahnung an die Schweiz.
Out of the blue:The world is more stable than the news suggests, but fragility increased in some unexpected places last year according to a new index.
Agenda (17.05.-25.05.17)
Weitere Veranstaltungen finden sich auf unserer Webseite.
17th May: Discussion «Is populism bad for women?»
Populism has been rising in several parts of the world, including in Europe and the US, with far-reaching consequences, exemplified by the election of Donald Trump, Brexit, the referendum in Turkey, and the looming French election. With the rise of conservative populism, there is an increasing concern about women’s rights, including the right to sexual and reproductive health and respect for bodily integrity.
All of this raises the question: Is populism bad for women? Can governments, often male dominated, decide what women should or should not do with their body? Is populism a huge leap backward on women’s rights?
With: Professor Laura Ferguson (Associate Director, Program on Global Health & Human Rights, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California), Professor Ayse Dayi (Head of research, faculty of social and political sciences, Université de Lausanne) and moderation by Dr Shirin Heidari (Director and Editor of Reproductive Health Matters).
Wednesday, 17.05.2017, 12.a.m - 2p.m., MR070, Uni Mail, University of Geneva, Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève.
Has world economic growth become “safer” over the last few decades? Have social problems become more manageable or are we condemned to live in a world with increasing inequity? Can Europe, the first “sovereignty sharing” experiment among nation states, survive, or will it become a nail in the coffin of international cooperation?
With: Kemal Derviş (Vice President and Director - Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution).
Wednesday, 17.05.2017, 6.30p.m. - 8.p.m., Auditorium Ivan Pictet B, Maison de la paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Geneva.
18. Mai: Discussion «Tourisme humanitaire, une contradiction ? Conférence/Débat»
Les ONG envoient depuis longtemps des volontaires dans les pays du sud, travailler sur leurs projets de développement ou pour des échanges avec les populations. Quelles sont les différentes pratiques mises en place ? Ces « incursions » de personnes pas toujours formées sont-elles positives ? A côté de cela, depuis quelques années, une série d’organisation a repéré ce mouvement comme potentiel de profit et propose donc des « voyages humanitaires » avec comme seul but de gagner de l’argent, sans véritable préparation ou même de projet réel, qui représente donc de vraies escroqueries. Quelles sont ces pratiques et comment les repérer ? Une soirée entre tourisme et humanitaire. Ces deux domaines sont-ils compatibles ? Inscriptions bienvenues
Avec: Philippe Randin (Nouvelle Planète), Isabelle Lejeune (Tourism for Help) et Emmanuelle Werner (Friends International).
Jeudi, 18.05.2017, 18h30, Alliance Sud InfoDoc, Av. de Cour 1, 1007 Lausanne.
23. Mai: Discussion «Referendums in Europe in the 21st century: a tool for citizen’s participation, a decision-making method or an instrument for populists? - A look at Brexit, Scotland, Catalonia, … and Switzerland»
In cooperation with the Catalan Delegation in Switzerland, we are organizing a panel on the topic of referenda and direct democracy. What were the goals behind recent referenda? What are the challenges for the direct participation of citizens in Europe nowadays? Is a referendum the best way to solve territorial conflicts? What is the situation of the referendum in the 21st century?
With: Dr. Yanina Welp (Regional Director for Latin America at c2d - Center for Research on Direct Democracy), Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Auer (em. professor Universities Zurich and Geneva, founder the Center for Research on Direct Democracy, Cenni Najy (foraus Senior Policy Fellow Europe).
Tuesday, 23.05.2017, 6p.m. - 7p.m., University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich.
9 to 21 July: BHRICO Sumerschool «Business and Human Rights - Interdisciplinary Challenges and Opportunities»
Every year, the Centre for Human Rights Studies at the University of Zurich hosts a summer school examining the topical theme of business and human rights. The summer school, BHRICO (Business and Human Rights - Interdisciplinary Challenges and Opportunities), is a two-week intensive programme that seeks to be a forum of learning with leading experts on the topic. Each class intake is limited, so as to create a roundtable atmosphere conducive to active dialogues with our external lecturers and students from partner institutions and other universities.
Deadline for the first round of applications is 15 May 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 May 2017. Applications may be accepted after 30 May 2017 based on the number of spaces remaining and available to general applicants.
Sunday, 09.07.2017 - Friday, 21.07.2017, University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, Zürich.