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NEWSLETTER | 20 Sep 2024  

Focus on China


This week sees Bailey McCann talking to KraneShares’ Brendan Ahern about the firm’s recent launch of the KraneShares China Alpha Index ETF (KCAI) listed on the NYSE and tracks the Qi China Alpha Index, which seeks to outperform the CSI 300 Index by applying a systematic machine learning approach.

To achieve this, KraneShares has joined forces with sub-adviser Quant Insight (Qi) which has created what it calls an "alpha optimisation filtering process."

Qi’s Mahmood Noorani says: "China’s A-Share market is a prime candidate for this strategy. Our research shows it has inefficiencies and volatility. It is also dominated by retail investors. This creates significant market ‘noise’ which is an opportunity."

We also have research from Carne Group this week which predicts that the ETF market will reach USD14 trillion within the next four years as institutional investors pile into the vehicles in search of inaccessible asset classes at a low cost.

Patrick O’Brien, Managing Director, Business Development at Carne Group, says: "ETFs have always been part of the investment conversation, but what’s exciting is a whole new cohort of managers that see the benefit of participating in the sector. While not all active managers will launch an ETF, pretty much all of them will look at this in the next 12 to 24 months."

Today is the final day for voting in the US awards - place your votes now in the ETF Express US Awards for 2024. You can vote for your favourite ETF service providers and issuers, based on data provided by Tracksight, in the US market, using this link.

And we are very happy to be able to offer readers another discount at an event. This code, ETF20, will gain you a 20 per cent discount on tickets to attend RAO Global’s symposium on 21st November in London.

Finally, we can offer readers wishing to attend the RIA Edge West event in Marina del Rey, California in October, a discount of 20 per cent using this code – ETF2024Exp. The event details are here.

Beverly Chandler, Managing Editor

For live updates please follow us on Twitterand LinkedIn.



Fixed income ETFs come close second to equity ETFs in August: Amundi


Amundi’s latest ETF flows report covering to the end of August 2024 finds that investors added EUR88.8 billion to global ETFs in August. While equities remained popular with inflows of EUR46.7 billion last month, fixed income was a close second, adding EUR36.1 billion.

KraneShares brings alpha optimisation to China A-Shares market ETF


Krane Funds Advisors has launched a new ETF focused on the China A-Shares market. China A-Shares are Chinese stocks listed locally on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The KraneShares China Alpha Index ETF (KCAI) is listed on the NYSE and tracks the Qi China Alpha Index, which seeks to outperform the CSI 300 Index by applying a systematic machine learning approach. 

New cohort of managers entering ETF market: Carne Group


The ETF market is expected to reach USD14 trillion within the next four years as institutional investors pile into the vehicles in search of inaccessible asset classes at a low cost.

Trackinsight ETF data from 9th to 13th September, 2024


This week’s 10 top performing ETFs. 

Last week of the ETF Express US Awards 2024


The final stage of the ETF Express US Awards 2024 is now open. Please remember even if you have nominated before, you must vote to ensure your chosen companies have a chance of winning.
  ETF launches sponsored by STOXX


Global ETF launches from 12th to 19th September, 2024

Just the one non-north American ETF launch this week, with DDA bringing its Bitcoin Macro ETP to the market.


US ETF launches from 12th to 19th September, 2024

47 new ETF offerings were launched for the week, each with a distinct value proposition for investors. Detailed below are the respective launches from each asset manager.


Canadian ETF launches for August 2024

A summary of the Canadian ETF launches that occurred in August 2024.


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