09/10/23View in Browser

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Euractiv Events offer a unique opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest policy developments in different sectors, including Health, Technology, Agriculture, and Energy and Environment.
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PAC et PSN français: où en sommes-nous ?

09-10-2023 | Agriculture and Food  | Register now

Cofinancé par l'Union européenne
Transforming Hematology Care - Empowering Better Cancer Treatment in the 'Europe's Beating Cancer Plan'

10-10-2023 | Health and Consumers |  Register now

Supported by Sanofi
Launch Event - Youth Progress Index: Frozen Progress for Young Europeans

18-10-2023 | Youth | Register now

Media partnership - organised by European Youth Forum
Making better use of biofuels: How can the EU ensure policy consistency?

23-10-2023 | Energy and Environment | Register now

Supported by ePURE
Hydropower: a key player of the European energy transition 

24-10-2023 | Energy and Environment  | Register now

Media partnership - organised by Hydropower Alliance
New genomic techniques - What lies ahead?

25-10-2023 | Health and Consumers | Register now

Supported by RePlanet
EU Regulation on deforestation-free products – What implications for smallholders?

25-10-2023 | Energy and Environment | Register now

Supported by CPOPC
The Spanish presidency and the future of European Digitalization

26-10-2023 | Technology |  Register now

Media partnership - organised by Adigital
AI governance and compliance: a call to action

26-10-2023 | Technology | Register now

Media partnership - organised by Intellera Consulting & Modulus
Crowdfunding as a driver for the EU's energy transition - What difference can it make?

08-11-2023 | Energy and Environment |  Register now

Supported by GREENFOOT
Analysing the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive - What are the implications for our forests?    

14-11-2023 | Energy and Environment |  Register now

Supported by Life Terra and the Life Programme
Le protectionnisme européen à l’aube des élections européennes

24-11-2023 | Politics | Register now

Organisé par Euractiv
Towards a sustainable future - What is the potential of the EU’s bioeconomy?

30-11-2023 | Energy and Environment |  Register now

Supported by EUBA

Find all of our policy debates here.

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EURACTIV Media Network BV: International Press Centre Boulevard Charlemagne 1 Brussels B-1041 Belgium