PLUS: NGAD could face more cuts from U.S. Air Force.

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Defense Digest - July 03, 2024

European Defense Procurements Heat Up As Farnborough Approaches

The region is going shopping to address defense shortfalls, with counter-UAS on most countries’ lists.



Pratt & Whitney's F135 Engine Core Upgrade (ECU) will ensure the F-35 remains the most advanced fighter for decades to come. Easily retrofittable with all F-35 variants, the ECU delivers the durability and performance to fully-enable next generation weapons and increased power and thermal management for Block 4 and beyond.


Satcom Direct's proprietary technologies span business aviation and government sectors, with the singular goal of leading connectivity industry standards. Harnessing a powerful combination of tools, SD delivers consistent, reliable connectivity across the globe. Proprietary software, hardware, terrestrial infrastructure, cybersecurity and award-winning customer support create tailored services for each customer mission.

Podcast: What's Up With NGAD?

U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall cast doubt on the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter program in an interview with Aviation Week. Listen in as editors Brian Everstine, Steve Trimble and Robert Wall break down what we know—and what we don't know.


Gallery: First Kazak A400M Completes Maiden Flight

The first Airbus A400M built for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan has completed its maiden flight



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From The Archives: 60 Years Ago In Aviation Week

The power package of the US Army-Hughes XV-9A hot cycle research helicopter mated with the fuselage was featured on Aviation Week's cover of June 22, 1964 at a Hughes Tool Co. Aircraft Division facility in Culver City, California.



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