Hello Hubsters, It’s Irien Joseph bringing you the Europe edition of the Wire from the London newsroom. Let’s kick things off with tech! Monument Group’s Zac Williams expects a big spike in European technology deals in 2025. Next up, we dive into a report from S&P Global Market Intelligence, which shows that whileglobal private equity and venture capital deal value increased in February compared with January 2025, it still lagged behind last year’s number. Lastly, I highlight an identity verification deal as Corsair Capital has made a move to increase its stake in Munich-based IDnow. Favorable valuations European technology deals will see significant growth in 2025, underpinned by more favorable valuations compared to the US, Zac Williams, partner at Monument Group, told PE Hub. Check out the premium version of the Wire to find out what’s driving this growth in Europe and sub sectors to look out for. Below are the tech deals we covered this week in Europe: Main Capital’s Timegrip buys Software4You LDC sells Blis in a deal valued at $175mArcus-backed FixMap picks up Internet Union Thoma Bravo-backed USU buys Saasmetrix Main-backed Xitres snaps up Hartje Wonen Exponent to invest in digital transformation provider Hippo DigitalEquistone to sell stake in Timetoact Group to HIG Capital Blackstone-and Permira-backed Adevinta to sell WillhabenSluggish trend Global private equity and venture capital deal value in February dropped 28 percent year over year from $52.64 billion in February 2024, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence data. Subscribe to the premium version of the Wire for the key takeaways from the report. Securely verified Corsair Capital has acquired a majority stake in IDnow, increasing its investment in the Munich-based identity verification company. NEXUS loading… The countdown is on forPEI Group’s NEXUS 2025 summit in Orlando, happening March 10-12. Get insights from thought leaders who will be speaking at the event – interviews are available here. PE Hub editor-in-chief Mary Kathleen (MK) Flynn (mk.flynn@pei.group) and reporter Rafael Canton (Rafael.c@pei.group) will be attending NEXUS 2025, so be sure to reach out to them if you’d like to meet up. That’s all from me. John R Fischer will be with you in the New York morning with the US edition and Nina Lindholm will bring you the Europe edition of the Wire on Monday as usual. Warmly, Irien Read the full Wire commentary on PE Hub ... |