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European telecoms set to launch inflight LTE-powered Wi-Fi network

The Europe-wide network is a world first data network dedicated solely to aviation traffic and is expected to launch in the coming months.

Posts from TechRepublic

Why KDE's Plasma Mobile is the ideal platform for Linux fans and developers

How to choose the right wearable device for business vs. fitness

The top 5 iPhone X gestures every user should know

How to migrate SMS messages from an iOS device to Android using iSMS2Droid

iOS 11 tips and tricks you might not know

How to fix the iPhone 7 'No Service' status flaw

Why using blockchain to track cobalt mining could lead to more ethical smartphones

Today's recommended downloads

Managing Cloud Sprawl in the Age of Cloud Services: Infographic


Transforming Data Protection with Integrations for Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Office 365


Ensure Network and Application Performance for Cloud An IDC Report


Preparing for the Workspace of the Future


New 2017 Analyst Report: How to Build a Hybrid Cloud, Your way


A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Tech and the future of transportation

From commutes in self-driving cars to autonomous taxis to self-driving trucks and delivery vehicles, the autonomous age is going to have a massive impact on the future of business.

Cybersecurity survey: Is your company succeeding or failing?

How well is your company protected against a cyberattack? What cybersecurity tactics is your company using? Does your company regularly update cybersecurity practices? Take this quick survey.

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