You are invited to participate in the B4SI Annual Conference 2021: Creating an Environment for Social Impact in November.

Day 1: Wednesday,

17th November 2021 
2pm – 4pm 

Register Here

Day 2: Wednesday,

24th November 2021 
2pm – 4pm 

Register Here

Day 1: Wednesday,

24th November 2021 
1pm – 4pm 

Day 2: Thursday,

25th November 2021 
10am – 1pm 

Register Here
Register Here

As the climate crisis sparks demands for radical action, what are the implications for B4SI practitioners, and which communities are at risk of losing the most in the transition to a more sustainable economy? Be part of the conversation and complete our 5-7 minute survey.

Take part in our survey here

The 2021 Conference will explore this important topic and over two virtual

sessions will feature:

  • A keynote conversation with James Gomme, Director of People and Society at the WBCSD about the role for individual companies in the transition followed by a panel discussion.
  • Updates from across the network and around the world of social impact.
  • Trends from our first year of benchmark data drawn from our members data in this first full year of COVID-19 data.
  • A first look at the new B4SI self-assessment tool aimed at supporting companies in their social impact journey.
  • A suite of practical workshops including Planning for Double and Dynamic Materiality, Impact & Corporate Foundations and Measuring Socioeconomic Impact.

Both events are open to all companies wishing to achieve tangible impact in the social space. They provide an opportunity to reflect on social impact progress around the world and meet business practitioners from your local region and beyond.

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