Elevate your Array with Stainless Steel Mounts

Have you ever wondered why QuickBOLT mounting solutions are made of stainless steel instead of aluminum? Our decision to use stainless steel was no happy accident, we chose the material for all of our mounts because its properties allow it to withstand the extreme conditions up on the roof.

Rails can expand and contract on the rooftop throughout a day, sometimes up to 1” during seasonal weather changes. These shifts are unlikely to impact roof mounts, but our stainless-steel L-Feet and hooks have the flection capacity to move with the array no matter how serious conditions are. Homeowners should know that their solar arrays are being secured to the roof with the best materials possible, and it doesn’t get better than QuickBOLT’s stainless steel solar mounts.


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Join us and 400+ energy experts at the 8th annual Midwest Solar Expo from June 20th - 22nd in Minneapolis. This show will be a mix of innovative products, industry leading speakers, and educational trainings. Visit us at Booth #1 to learn about all our mounting equipment and see how BoltSeal® technology works in person. Register here.


QuickBOLT is a Division of Quickscrews Int'l Corp.

QuickBOLT | (844) 671-6045 | www.quickbolt.com