Hey everyone, The thing about supplements is that they are supplements. They're not always necessary and they're not everyday parts of our diet. But they're there, waiting in the wings, ready to fill the gaps in our diet and lifestyle when they pop up.
There's no more perfect example than my own fish oil supplement: Primal Omegas. Personally, I don't take Primal Omegas every day, nor do I recommend most people eating a healthy Primal diet with plenty of seafood take them every day either.
I take them when I'm dealing with an acute soft tissue injury, in the first few days after it happens, as a gentle way to shift the inflammatory pattern away from inflammation towards healing. I don't even take them every time I tweak my knee or ankle, but only if I see evidence that inflammation is getting out of hand. Like if the swelling isn't going down, I'll take three or four Primal Omegas for a few days until it does.
I take them when I haven't been eating fatty fish or shellfish, and I do so in a more fractal pattern. I'll take three one day, none for two days, then four, then two, then none for three days, then back to the original cadence. I don't eat seafood like a metronome, so why would I take fish oil that way?
To sum up, Primal Omegas are a great supplement to keep on hand for when you do need extra omega-3s. And if you order $50 worth of stuff from Primal Kitchen, you get a free bottle of Primal Omegas plus free shipping. So why not give it a try? |