Media Winners & Losers

Bernie Sanders and
The State of Vermont

For years, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has been a beloved star of internet memes. He did not disappoint on Inauguration Day, rocking a look that has been gracing our social media feeds in a constant torrent ever since. 

Sanders wore his famous (and previously memed) grayish-beige (or is it more of a beige-y gray?) winter coat and an absolutely mammoth pair of woolen mittens to watch the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. A photo of the former presidential candidate in all his curmudgeonly glory didn't just become ameme, it became the meme of the Inauguration

Photoshops of Sanders in a wide variety of geographic locations and pop culture moments quickly went viral. Lion Brand Yarn even posted their own version, showing Sanders in the yarn aisle of a craft store and offering a pattern to knit your own mittens. 

The backstory behind the mittens made it all even better: they were knitted by a Vermont schoolteacher out of repurposed wool sweaters and lined with fleece from recycled plastic bottles. And, no, she doesn't have time to knit any for you. Sanders, on brand as ever, told late night host Seth Meyers that he "was just sitting there trying to keep warm."

Biden's inauguration remarks focused on a message of unity. Seeing how Sanders and his mittens have been joyfully embraced all across the political spectrum, maybe there's hope after all. 

Sean Hannity

Fox News' Sean Hannity hosts an opinion show, and he is entitled to his opinion. He's been a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, and a vocal critic of newly-inaugurated President Joe Biden, for years.

That's all well and good, but your humble newsletter correspondents are entitled to our opinions too, and when Hannity goes off the deep end, we're gonna call him out.

On Thursday's episode of his eponymous show, he declared “the Biden administration is off to a very rocky start,” claiming the new president was having a "disastrous first week" -- despite the fact that barely one day of that week had even passed.

Hannity then claimed Biden was “struggling” to “answer simple questions,” alluding to the president sniping back at an AP reporter with one of his exasperated folksy comebacks: “C’mon, give me a break, man,” when challenged on whether his vaccine rollout plan was ambitious enough. He followed that up with a wild exaggeration of the number of jobs that will be eliminated by the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline. 

Oh, and more vague but unsubstantiated promises that the Hunter Biden laptop story is "about to break wide open." Sure it is. 

Hannity is entitled to loud criticize every single Biden policy, heck, every single word the man utters for the next four years, if he so wishes. But declaring his first week to be a disaster when 80 percent of that week hasn't even occurred yet is just plain hackery.

The Interview: Olivia Nuzzi

The A-Block

The Biden Era begins 

Biden had his first full day in office on Thursday, and so far seems to be enjoying a mostly friendly relationship with a White House press corps relieved after four years of Trump. Mediaite's Rudy Takala asks if maybe it's a little too friendly.

It's definitely going to be a change of pace

Karl Rove didn't like Biden's speech. Surprise, surprise.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is holding daily press briefings. It got testy a few times, but hey, at least this White House is having briefings. Even spin is better than silence. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci was at Thursday's briefing, and said he feels "liberated" under this new administration. 

At Friday's briefing, Psaki covered topics from China's treatment of the Uighurs to the Air Force One decor

Trump loses again

Ouch. Trump won't like this: Biden's inauguration scored better TV ratings than Trump's. To be fair, Trump's 2017 inauguration wasn't in the middle of a pandemic and people could go in person, but that's only ever a very small percentage of the total number of Americans who end up watching. 

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Mask up

Biden urged Americans to wear masks for his first 100 days, calling it a "patriotic act."


A lawsuit was filed against Twitter, accusing the social media network of refusing to remove content they had been informed was child porn, and profiting from that content, until the federal government forced them to take it down.

Schlapp flops

CPAC chairman and über-loyal Trump supporter Matt Schlapp was paid a whopping $750,000 to lobby for a pardon for a Trump donor. He failed. 

Get well soon

Comedian Dave Chappelle has tested positive for Covid-19 after performing at several live shows in Austin, Texas. 

Brokaw takes a bow

Veteran journalist Tom Brokaw is retiring after 55 years at NBC News.

RIP Home Run King

Baseball legend and hall of famer Henry ‘Hank’ Aaron passed away earlier today at the age of 86.

Must See Clips/Tweets

'Beyond grotesque'

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed on Hannity Thursday night that Democrats want to "exterminate" Republicans, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough -- himself a former Republican congressman -- wasn't having it. 

“Fox News had someone I know, a former leader of the Republican party, saying that Democrats wanted, and I’m using his words here, Democrats wanted to, quote, exterminate, exterminate all Republicans,” the Morning Joe host said on Friday morning.

“Let me say that again for Fox News sponsors,” he continued. “For Fox News sponsors to let you know what’s happening now on Fox News. That they are getting people who are Fox News contributors, who are saying that Democrats, Joe Biden, and Democrats, want to, quote, exterminate all Republicans.”

Scarborough makes a good point. 

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A Letter From a Florida Inmate Asked for Help. It Arrived Too Late.
-  CJ Ciaramella, Reason
Trump's Parting Gift to Biden
- Ronald Brownstein, The Atlantic

Andrew Yang: My vision for New York City’s Jewish community
- via Forward

Donald Trump’s presidency was the worst thing that happened to the Trump brand
- via Vox
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