Editor's Note: A correction has been appended to Friday's "Loser" column. Mediaite regrets the error.

Media Winners & Losers

Steve Kornacki

MSNBC's Steve Kornacki became the cable news equivalent of a pop star last year, as his data-driven explanations and "Big Board" analysis of state-by-state returns put a friendly face on a confusing -- and often contentious -- post-election period.

He single-handedly inspired a huge spike in sales for his beloved GAP khaki pants, and was soon invited to bring his Big Board over to NBC for some sports coverage, offering his predictions for NFL playoff probabilities and the Kentucky Derby.

The powers-that-be at NBC like what they've been seeing, and are making Kornacki an official member of the NBC Sports Team. In addition to ongoing sports coverage, he'll assist with big events like this summer's Tokyo Olympics, Super Bowl LVI, and the Beijing Olympics in Winter 2022.

NBC is also working closely with Kornacki to create a new game show for him to host. “Steve gained a cult following during the 2020 presidential election and we wanted to tap into that fanbase along with his natural talent and charisma,” said Susan Rovner, Chairman, Entertainment Content, NBCUniversal Television and Streaming. “Steve’s passion for trivia and analytics is the perfect foray into entertainment and we can’t wait to welcome him to our platforms.”

Nice guys don't always finish last, and it's easy to cheer the affable Kornacki's success. 

The Intercept

Media outlets frequently criticize each other. You're literally reading a section of our newsletter declaring who we believe to be the "Media Loser of the Day," and we won't pretend it's unfair for media companies to attack each other.

What isn't fair, however, is apparently declining to include accurate information provided by your target.

That's what The Intercept is accused of doing, in a video and article titled, "Meet the Riot Squad: Right-Wing Reporters Whose Viral Videos Are Used to Smear BLM," which criticized several reporters from conservative media outlets who had covered the protests last summer.

Among the piece's harshest critics was Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald, who slammed them for their "genuinely disgusting and dangerous" reporting that was "actively targeting two journalists of color."

Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll staunchly defended his reporters, in a Twitter thread and a longer editorial post, against what he called "activist garbage." Ingersoll claimed the Intercept's article omitted important context that they had provided.

Correction: A previous version of this column stated that The Intercept story accused Daily Caller reporter Richie McGinnis of destroying evidence. The Intercept report pointed out speculation that McGinnis had withheld evidence, but never accused him of a crime. This has been updated to better describe The Intercept report. Mediaite regrets the error.

The A-Block

"Today is a great day for America"

Those were President Joe Biden’s first words at the podium in the Rose Garden as he addressed the White House Press Corps for the first time without a mask since the coronavirus pandemic began.

Several reporters who were there at the Rose Garden confirmed that reporters and White House staffers who had been fully vaccinated removed their masks too.

Biden, along with Vice President Kamala Harris, made the maskless appearance after the CDC released new guidelines that fully vaccinated people did not need to wear face masks (with a few exceptions, such as airplane travel).

Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN's Jake Tapper that schools should be open "full blast" in the fall

And Twitter had a lot of fun with the updated CDC graphic

In Other News...

Fewer Than Half of House Republicans Tell CNN They Are Vaccinated, Compared to 100% of Democrats

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Tucker Carlson Claims Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Have Done 'More Harm than any Anti-Vaxxer!'

JUST IN: Matt Gaetz's Ex-Confidant Joel Greenberg Pleads Guilty, Admits to Sex Trafficking of a Minor

Must See Clip

"Stop being a baby!"

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) might want to take her own advice, after a February 22, 2019 Facebook Live video she posted has resurfaced, showing her and some fellow conservative activists standing outside Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as they taunt Ocasio-Cortez’s office staff through the mailbox slot in the locked door.

The video was uncovered by CNN investigative reporter Andrew Kaczynski, who also noted that one of Greene's associates in the video would later be seen entering the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection. 

It's a pretty bonkers video. "This is a woman that's deeply unwell and clearly needs some help," was Ocasio-Cortez's comment.

Watch here

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- Billy Binion, Reason
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- Charlie Sykes, The Bulwark
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