Dr. Fred Pescatore to Hold
Crucial New Webinar

What: Dr. Pescatore’s Ultimate Screening Summit

When: Thursday, February 27th at 1pm Eastern Time

Where: Online

Price: FREE

Click Here to Reserve Your Spot Now!

Growing scientific evidence shows there’s one powerful “warning sign” that reveals whether YOU are at risk of 6 major health threats—from heart attacks to cancer to Alzheimer’s disease, and ultimately, an early death...

But mainstream medicine completely ignores it.

Doctors don’t check for this telltale sign at your “standard” annual physical. And far too many Americans are being left in the dark.

This Thursday, Dr. Fred Pescatore is going to do something about it—and you’re invited.

Dr. Fred

Starting at 1:00 PM ET, Dr. Pescatore is going to walk us through some of the body’s most important “warning signs” you should never ignore.

He’s going to give us an inside look at the methods and screenings he uses in his own practice to help patients get answers...and get on the path to healing.

You’ll see how this can help you identify and reverse those so-called “unexplained” signs and symptoms...

And even ward off diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

Join him this Thursday at 1 p.m. to get all the details.

Click here to see how you can watch it from your
computer, tablet or smartphone for FREE.