“It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding themselves.”

– Andre Gide
The Power of Intention
“Our intention creates our reality.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
If you want to change some aspect of your life, direct your mind toward a goal or manifest your dreams, and start by setting an intention.

Mindfulness and Ways to be Kinder to Yourself
Intentions don’t force you to do anything, like a resolution might. Intentions consciously bring you back to what you really want, focusing on who you are and how to get there with focus and clarity. Try resetting resolutions into mindful intentions this year.

2023: The Year of Probiotics
“In some cases, an unhealthy gut may even be a contributor to poor physical and/or mental health that you’re trying to address in 2023. Taking a probiotic is an easy and inexpensive way to add an extra dimension to the changes you’re already making to your diet and mental self-care at this time of year.”

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