In this excerpt, we ask, how much is a distirbuted grid worth?
How Much Is a Distributed Grid Worth?
Below is an excerpt from The Interchange, a weekly podcast hosted by Stephen Lacey and Shayle Kann. Join GTM Squared to access this full episode as well as the deep Squared archives!
If we built a grid with all the most advanced distributed technologies -- solar, batteries, smart inverters, intelligent appliances and cars -- would it actually be desirable?

A distributed grid offers more choice and enables more digital control. But would it be a better alternative economically than the centralized system we have in place today?

That's what Ryan Hanley, SolarCity's director of grid engineering solutions, wanted to figure out. In a new white paper, SolarCity argues that a distributed grid could be worth $1.4 billion to California ratepayers alone in the next five years.

So how did Hanley and his team get to that number? In this week's podcast, we'll talk with him about how SolarCity modeled the value of distributed resources -- and how the regulatory paradigm needs to change to reflect that value.
Listen to Episode →
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