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Our Eco-Initiatives Continue

Protecting our ecosystem is near and dear to our hearts, and we're continuously focused on bettering our efforts. Last year, we worked towards becoming 100% AWARE following PADI's environmental initiative, Project Aware. Our Coral Nursery continues to thrive with the help of guests, who help clean the coral trees during regularly scheduled maintenance dives. We are encouraged by the growth we've seen so far with the coral outplants made during the last couple of years.   Now this year, we're making a new effort!

Introducing — Our New Solar Field!

We are so excited to announce our latest initiative: solar energy! As former guests know, the sun shines bright and clear most days of the year in Roatan. That's why we've installed a solar field at the resort. The old tennis courts served as the perfect location for mounting the solar panels, as it’s location is near the resort, large, and the majority of the area was clear of vegetation. By the spring of 2020, our solar field will have an estimated output of over 300 kWh. That's enough to power the resort in the daytime. This system is the largest privately-owned solar installation in the Western Caribbean and will reduce our CO2 emissions by over 378 metric tons per year.
Read more about our new solar panel field, as well as our other efforts in sustainability, on our website!


Project Aware Certification

Water Conservation


Banning Single-Use Plastic

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Sandy Bay
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