Exciting Updates from The McDougall Team
Exciting Updates from The McDougall Team

Greetings from Santa Rosa! 

Thank you to everyone who has reached out asking about how the McDougall Team has been doing over the last couple of months. Like many of you, we’ve been finding our bearings in the midst of so much change. Our days have been filled with homeschooling, lots of cooking, puzzles/board games, reading, movies/TV shows, and walks around our neighborhoods. 

As a team we have been coming together (remotely!) to figure out the best way to stay connected with you and serve this wonderful community going forward. We are so excited to share some of the ways we are transforming our business to reach and help more people.

New platforms for online learning and Telehealth: We are working on developing new platforms for both online learning and Telehealth to bring the McDougall experience into your home. This will allow so many more people access to our Medical Programs and Intensive Weekends, including lectures, cooking demonstrations, and more one-on-one health coaching - all in the comfort of your home! 

Website updates: Our website is getting a makeover! Once complete, our website will be easier to navigate so that you can find all of our recipes and educational content faster and more efficiently. Not to mention our site will have a brand new look.

We’ll be making these changes over the coming weeks and months, and you’ll be the first to hear about additional updates.

In the meantime, we have a lot of digital content on our website for you. The Starch Solution and Dietary Therapy courses are available for free. Check out these easy Banana Pancakes for the weekend, or Fasta Pasta for when you have cooking fatigue. We’ve been leaning on quick and easy recipes like these over the past few weeks and thought you might find them helpful too!

Wishing you continued health and safety,

Copyright © 2020 Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center. All rights reserved.
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PO Box 14039
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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