Chris Farina’s new film A Bridge to Life will screen at The Paramount THIS THURSDAY, April 18 at 7 p.m.

A Bridge to Life, the new documentary from Rosalia Films’ Chris Farina, will premiere this Thursday, April 18 at 7 p.m. at Charlottesville’s Paramount Theatre as part of the Tom Tom Festival – a community event focused on interconnection and our shared future.

A Bridge to Life is a moving portrait of a Virginia-based organization that for years has been working to change and save the lives of men dealing with life-threatening addiction issues. Interwoven throughout the film is the inspiring story of Pastor William Washington, the resilient founder and executive director of the Bridge Ministry, and his triumph over trauma, homelessness, and addiction.

Watch the trailer for "A Bridge to Life"

Chris’ mission is to spread the word about the significant work done by the Bridge Ministry to both sustain their efforts as well as to inspire others across the country and beyond to consider replicating this work in their own communities.

Following the film, a discussion and Q&A will occur with Bridge Ministry members and local leaders.

Tickets are still available and can be purchased at The Paramount website on a sliding scale as a fundraiser for The Bridge Ministry's vital work and the broader dissemination of the film.

Purchase tickets for the film

A Bridge to Life gets feature in Virginia's NPR station Radio IQ

A Bridge to Life tells the story of the Bridge Ministry – a program founded by William Washington. As a younger man he did time in a county jail and thought deeply about why he got addicted to drugs. Since then, he claims to have helped thousands of people get and stay sober.

“We’re going to start talking about you. We’re going to empower you to deal with you, and empower you to deal with addiction," the preacher tells his flock. "You understand what I’m saying? We’re going to start working on that man and looking at his life and start seeing what the truth is about him, and not the lie that he’s been living.”...

Read or listen to more at Radio IQ

A Bridge to Life wins an Award of Outstanding Excellence at this year's Documentaries Without Borders International Film Festival

This week, A Bridge to Life received an Award of Outstanding Excellence from the Documentaries Without Borders International Film Festival. This is the fourth accolade A Bridge to Life has received this award season, and we are incredibly grateful for this honor. 

The journey of making A Bridge to Life has been fulfilling, and it's wonderful to see the film's narrative has been resonating with audiences and critics.

Thank you to all those who have supported the documentary and allowed the Bridge's story to come to life. We can't wait to share it with you. 


And please consider sharing this with others as a successful independent film is often ensured by the help of supporters with “spreading the word.” You can reach out to me if you have any suggestions, questions or would like to discuss A Bridge to Life further. My email is and my phone number is (434) 825-0972.


Chris Farina
Rosalia Films

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