TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 1, 2016

Exclusive Footage: Trying to Score an Upset on Hillary's Turf, Bernie Draws Huge Bronx Crowd

Marlena Fitzpatrick-Garcia, Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Sanders, Spike Lee, actress Rosario Dawson and the rapper Residente all spoke at a rally in the South Bronx. READ MORE»

Krugman: Obama Didn't Bring Us Revolution, but He Sure Helped Make America a Better Place


Paul Krugman goes over some of the big accomplishments of the Obama years. READ MORE»

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Makes Amazing Surprise Appearance on Colbert

Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"I would hope that superdelegates take a look at who the strongest Democratic candidate is, and that’s me," the Vermont senator said. READ MORE»

Oliver Stone Makes Impassioned Plea for Sanders: 'Hillary Clinton Has Effectively Closed the Door on Peace'

By Oliver Stone, Huffington Post

Stone writes that Sanders has rescued him from complete despair about our political scene. READ MORE»

Superdelegates Are One Reason Why the Way We Choose Our Presidential Candidates Is Wrong

By Michael Winship, Moyers and Company

Superdelegates symbolize something that has to go: the entrenched, inside-the-Beltway embrace of power and influence by the Democratic illuminati that does little for the poor and middle class. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on 2016 Elections, as Understood by a UFO

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

Take me to your "leader"? READ MORE»

By Relying on Anonymous Sources, the New York Times Fails to Live Up to Its Own Standards

By Reed Richardson, FAIR

Nearly 12 years after the Times‘ first public editor condemned the “toxic” effect of unnamed sources in the paper, the Times continues to struggle with endemic abuses of anonymity. READ MORE»

I Dared Criticize Fox News and Speak up for Samantha Bee—This Is How the Right Roared Back at Me

By Sophia A. McClennan, Salon

"You're probably a Lesbian but if you have any kids I hope they die in the next Islamic terror attack," I was told. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on Donald Trump's Infantile Tantrums

By Matt Bors, AlterNet

It's like trusting a first grader with a nuclear arsenal. READ MORE»

Together Apart: 4 Reasons People Who Want to Get Divorced Don't

By Cynthia Lawrence, Ravishly

It’s not all doom and gloom—but careful planning is necessary to safeguard the future of yourself and your children. READ MORE»

Chicago Teachers Launch One-Day Strike to Protest Funding Cuts, but It's Much Bigger Than Just a Contract Fight

By Aaron Cynic, Chicagoist

"We are dying the death of a thousand cuts," said Teachers Union president Karen Lewis. READ MORE»

8 Fascinating Ways People of the Past Used Marijuana to Enhance Sex

By Anna Pulley, The Influence

Pain management is just one of pot's many powers. READ MORE»

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism That Are Backed by Science

By Helen West, RD, Authority Nutrition

Having a higher metabolic rate burns off more calories, gives you more energy and makes you feel better. READ MORE»

Mississippi Could Legalize Discrimination Against People Who Have Premarital Sex

By Eric Kleefield, Raw Story

Not to worry, though. They say they’re really just thinking about the gays. READ MORE»

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