Check out the networking events happening at this spring's event.
Channel Partners Conference & Expo co-located with Channel Futures MSP Summit
May 1-4,  2023
The Venetian
Las Vegas
Image Description: A green banner with blue text that says, "Nobody does networking events like we do." To the right of the text, there is a photo of three people at a networking event smiling for the camera.
...and to build the right relationships, you need to be in the room with the right people.That’s where we come in. Through various networking events, we create opportunities for you to rub elbows with peers, vendors and the most influential professionals in the industry.

Here are just a few of the networking opportunities we have in store for #CPExpo & #MSPSummit, coming up May 1-4 in Las Vegas:
A photo of four women raising a toast with cocktails
A photo of two women standing in front of a backdrop with the Alliance of Channel Women Logo on it.
An animated GIF of sparkling stars
A photo of a crowd of people at a Channel Partners networking event.
An animated GIF of sparkling stars
There's no better place than Las Vegas this spring to meet the entire channel under one roof. Strengthen existing relationships, create new ones, and build a robust network of professionals you can call on year-round.
If you're in the channel, it's a no-brainer. Learn more about these, and other events we have in store on our website.

Our event brochure has the answers! Access the digital brochure today to preview the agenda, discover networking events, learn more about the exhibitors you'll meet, and much, much more.
Official Media
Channel Futures: Leading Channel Partners Forward.
*The CONVERGE Meetup on April 30 is only open to channel partner attendees; suppliers and vendors will not be granted admittance
**Separate registration through the Alliance of Channel Women is required