International network for contemporary performing arts
Perform Europe Announces its Live Programme for 2022
Perform Europe today announces its Live Programme that offers more than 250 presentations of over 45 artistic works in 27 Creative Europe countries and the UK. With its Live Programme running until the end of June 2022, Perform Europe sets to redefine how performing art works can reach audiences in a more fair, inclusive, and sustainable way. The Perform Europe Live Programme offers in-person and virtual performances from both established and up-and-coming artists hosted by a diverse group of presenters. 

The programme includes a wide range of themes that reflect our times: Love, belonging, hope, loneliness, coexistence of people and inanimate objects, nature as partner in co-creating performances, ritual and power, the naked body beyond the ideals of beauty, topography of cities based on the physical, emotional, and political safety of women, queer, Arab and Muslim identity based on 13th century manuscripts, diverse sighted young audiences exploring the world through movement, our physical and virtual future.

Behind these presentations are 19 diverse, sustainable, and innovative Perform Europe partnerships selected by the Perform Europe Jury. They are made up of more than 85 producers and presenters, who are ready to test innovative touring and distribution schemes. They represent all performing arts disciplines and come from Creative Europe countries and the UK. 

The 19 Perform Europe partnerships will bring high quality performances to rural areas, involve local artists and participants, empower voices of migrant artists and communities, use slow travel as a framework to create and show work, reduce carbon-intensive practices, refocus on experiences of nature and the body, bridge the gap between audiences and artists with disabilities, use technology to involve communities, bring artistic work to new places using apps and virtual reality, promote queer, feminist, decolonial, migrant, human-centered artist-led, and ecological initiatives. These are some of the ambitions of the selected partnerships.
Check the full programme
Perform Europe Catalogue
Led by over 85 partners, the 19 ambitious Perform Europe projects are hitting the road to test new ways of touring and presenting across borders in a more fair, inclusive, digital, and sustainable way. The selected projects represent all performing arts disciplines and 27 Creative Europe countries and the UK. 

Check out the
Perform Europe Catalogue for an overview of the 19 partnerships that were selected by the Perform Europe Jury.
Check out the 19 selected projects
About Perform Europe
Perform Europe is an EU-funded project which aims to rethink cross-border performing arts presentation in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way. The project is an 18-month journey, which includes a research phase, launching a digital platform and an open call for producers and presenters of performing arts works, testing a support scheme, and designing policy recommendations. The ultimate goal of Perform Europe is to design a future support scheme for cross-border touring and digital distribution of the performing arts in Creative Europe countries.
Learn more about Perform Europe
Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and co-managed by a Consortium of 5 organisations.
Perform Europe

Funded by

Co-managed by a Consortium of 5 organisations

About the Consortium partners

IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts is one of the oldest and largest international cultural networks, representing the voice of over 530 professionals and organisations working in all the fields of the performing arts in more than 60 countries worldwide, including artistic companies, collectives, organisations, festivals, venues, residencies, producers and independent artists, theatres and dance houses, cultural/research/resource centres, fellow artistic and cultural networks, universities and institutional bodies.

The European Festivals Association (EFA) is a community dedicated to the arts, the artists and the audiences. EFA’s main role is to connect festival makers to inform, inspire and enrich the festival landscape in Europe and beyond. In this perspective, EFA is a festivals’ service and a knowledge and training provider, developing a WE story of people and organisations, bridging the distance between festivals and all kinds of stakeholders around festival making.

Circostrada is the European Network for Circus and Street Arts. It was created in 2003 and counts over 120 members coming from more than 35 countries. Its core mission is to further the development, empowerment and recognition of these fields at European and international level. Circostrada supports circus and street arts professionals by implementing a wide range of capacity building initiatives, boosting professional exchange, gathering information and resources, fostering continuous training, innovation and knowledge sharing. 

Established as a legal association in 2009,
EDN - European Dancehouse Network is a network for trust and cooperation between European dancehouses in sharing a common vision regarding the development of dance art across borders. In May 2020, EDN counted 45 members in 26 countries. Its key mission is to cooperate in securing a sustainable future for the dance sector and to improve relevance for diverse dance among society.

IDEA Consult provides independent advice to organisations and governments at all levels: local, intermediate, regional, federal and European. Their “Thinking Ahead” baseline reflects IDEA’s unique value proposition: committed professionals involved in society and well connected with research institutions; evidence based advice: applied research, based on validated techniques; sustainable solutions for actual social challenges. 
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