Hi John! The other day I shared three key elements to my morning art journaling process. One the big three is to try something new. New could be making a new mark or trying a new color combination. Having this intention helps me experiment, stay in a playful mindset, and keeps me from getting caught up in perfectionism. Here's what happened yesterday... While making my morning coffee (I know, old story, always the same! lol) I decided to clean up the coffee and vitamin shelf. In the process I discovered a jar of spirulina powder. In case you're not familiar, spirulina is derived from blue-green algae and some people consume it for health reasons. Yes, that would be me. Anyway, I hadn't used it in a while and thought perhaps I should pass it along in the spirit of purging. But then, I reconsidered because the color is so beautiful and wait, could I paint with it? 😛 The answer is yes, yes I could paint with it! I scooped some into my coffee, then put another scoop in a small bowl, added warm water, and boom... the most beautiful turquoise color I ever did see. And so I think I'll keep it. The lessons here are:
Keep calm and algae on, Rachelle