Expert instruction to be stronger, healthier and the best version of you!
The first fitness program to combine the benefits of mindfulness with the amazingly fast, effective results of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Transform your life with fitness and meditation and get LIFTED in mind, body, and spirit! Taught by Holly Rilinger, trainer to the stars and author of Lifted: 28 Lessons to Focus Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body, and Elevate Your Spirit.
In this entertaining, rich in wisdom course, Halle will help you bust out of your shell to uncover and share your true self. Taught by Halle Becker, voted the most popular yoga teacher in NYC.
What's keeping you from better results? Not effort, not knowledge, you need to know what your body needs today and how to make those better nutrition choices more often. Taught by Ashley Koff RD.
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