Be inspired and challenged at the Festival of Marketing on 24-25 March. Across two days, you will discover the brands, people and ideas that are proving successful, and what you can learn from them. Keep reading for more information on what each day will cover!
Unsure whether to attend one day or both? Let us help you decide:
Day 1: Innovate Thinking and acting differently: Thursday 24 March Take a deep dive into the successful thinking and processes that have been innovative and therefore transformational in the world of marketing. Expect plenty of 'How to's' and key learnings for the future.
Sessions include:
Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable: How Elvie’s innovation mindset created and disrupted categories with Elvie’s CMO, Aoife Nally
Day 2: Activate How it might look: Friday 25 March Discover how to put into practice the learnings from the successful case studies, work and campaigns featured at the Festival. Friday's learning is about realising the opportunity and putting it into practice.
Sessions include:
Reversing perceptions: How Crocs went from fad to fashion with Crocs’ Senior Marketing Director, Yann Le Bozec
More sessions will be announced soon, in the meantime discover everything you need to know about Festival by downloading the Delegate Pack. The pack includes information about passes, the agenda structure for March, as well as a closer look at who Festival is for.
Get your pass now to claim one of our remaining Early Bird passes. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us here.