Hi John, Over the past 30 years…
Over 1.3 MILLION WOMEN have had their lives devastated and destroyed by an epidemic of misdiagnosis, overdiagnosis, and overtreatment of breast cancer…
…and it’s still happening today.
In 2008 alone, researchers found that: “Breast cancer was overdiagnosed in more than 70,000 women; this accounted for 31% of all breast cancers diagnosed.”
…and unfortunately, it’s only getting worse.
But today, there’s an even bigger threat on our front door…
You see, every single day, women worldwide are being misdiagnosed in ANOTHER PART of their bodies…
…getting treatments they don’t need.
…getting surgeries they shouldn’t get.
…trying to fix the symptoms, rather than the root cause.
Here’s what this means for you…
If you have a history of struggling with:
- Fatigue - Weight gain - Depression - Joint & muscle pain - Dry skin & thinning hair - Heavy & irregular menstrual periods
To discover what we’re talking about…
Our dear friend and trusted colleague, Ian Clark and Sayer Ji are going LIVE TODAY Sunday at 5pm EST to host a heavily researched and deep discussion on this topic to reveal… WHY this little-known threat is so significant, dangerous, and urgent.
WHAT risks women worldwide are unknowingly walking into today, and…
HOW to avoid getting treatments and procedures that will forever change your life… |