TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 17, 2016

Watch: Colbert Perfectly Nails Trump's Insane Reality Show Campaign

Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

America's hottest reality show isn't even halfway over yet, and most of us understand it as well as Donald Trump.  READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Fix the Supreme Court

Robert Reich,

Start by telling your senators to do their job. READ MORE»

A Little-Known Way Our Political System Is Rigged to Favor the Establishment

Eric Zuesse, AlterNet

You might not have heard of this ridiculous advantage to incumbency. READ MORE»

Ohio Gets to Try to Execute Prisoner Again After Horrifying First Attempt Was Botched

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

State court rules that a new attempt will not be cruel and unusual punishment, despite Romell Broom's screams of agony. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on the New Trump Reality

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

Reality, it's not just a show anymore. READ MORE»

PBS Show Inadvertently Features Trump Supporter's White Power Tattoos

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

A possible clue to why she's all in for Trump. READ MORE»

Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson Stunned CNN's Jake Tapper by Vigorously Defending Ignorance of American Culture

By Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon

This woman's absurdity appears to know no limits. READ MORE»

Pope Francis Fires Vatican Ambassador to U.S. Who Set Up Meeting With Kim Davis

By Aximill, Daily Kos

A arch-conservative bishop was let go.  READ MORE»

Virginia Has Been Putting 'Habitual Drunkards' on a Shady Blacklist and Targeting Them

By Kristen Gwynne, The Influence

A questionably legal program unfairly targets poor residents, sweeping them off the street and into jail.  READ MORE»

The Real Irish-American Story Not Taught in Schools

By Bill Bigelow, Zinn Education Project

Today’s textbooks contain no stories of actual people. READ MORE»

How Artists Are Using Their Work to Break Political Boundaries

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Around the world, artists are pushing the boundaries of creative activism. READ MORE»

Florida Poll Workers Find Democratic Ballots in Closet After Telling Voter Primary for GOP Only

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Potential voter fraud in Florida as non-GOP ballots suspiciously disappear from a precinct.  READ MORE»

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