If your career and confidence could use a boost, you need to enter this competition!
If your career and confidence could use a boost, you need to enter this competition!
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Writer's Digest

With more indie authors publishing e-Books, it can seem difficult to make your work the star of the screen. Winning the Writer's Digest Self-Published E-Book Awards can make your e-Book stand out in more ways than one, in addition to revolutionizing your writing career. 

Imagine what you could do with a spare $5,000, and how great it would feel to see a feature article celebrating your win in the May/June 2018 issue of Writer's Digest. Along with the other Grand Prizes, it could lead to the push your e-Book needs. 

If you're ready to see your self-published e-Book go places, enter by the extended
deadline-September 25!
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