Treat Soft Skills Like Technical Skills, Proper Cloud Skills, AI-as-a-Service, and more.

InformationWeek Today
March 29, 2018
Facebook's Cambridge Analytica Trouble Highlights IT Data Privacy Concerns
Facebook has lost billions in market value, been targeted for investigation by 37 states and the FTC, and many users are threatening to delete their accounts. It's past time for enterprise CIOs to stop ignoring customer data privacy concerns.

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To Get Ahead in Tech, Treat Soft Skills Like Technical Skills

Despite the name, soft skills are actually really hard to master. Yet more and more, they're proving to be the attributes that give candidates an edge when looking for new roles and leadership positions.
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Does Your IT Department Have the Proper Cloud Skills?

As cloud offerings evolve and enterprise organizations look to do more in the cloud, IT professionals need to add new cloud-related skills.
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Enterprises Get AI Head Start with As-A-Service

Enterprises are embracing artificial intelligence and it's component technologies -- machine learning, natural language processing/text analytics, and computer vision. But are they ready? Here's how AI-as-a-service may ease their entry into these new technologies.
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My Algorithm is Better than Yours

New tools allow business users -- not just data scientists -- to leverage algorithms and venture into machine learning. But, handle with care because the choice of bad data means bad results.
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Cyber Threats to Industrial Control & Other Vertical-Industry Systems
Top experts offer insight on the threat posed to industrial control systems (ICS) and other vertical...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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2018 State of the Cloud Report
Cloud adoption is growing, but how are organizations taking advantage of it? Interop ITX and InformationWeek surveyed technology decision-makers with titles such as CIO, CTO, IT manager and IT director, at North American companies on cloud computing usage and optimization strategies. Read More
Cybersecurity Strategies for the Digital Era
At its core, digital business relies on strong security practices. In addition, leveraging security intelligence and integrating security with operations and developer teams can help organizations push the boundaries of innovation. Read More
9 Challenges Slowing Blockchain Deployment
Enterprises that want to get started with blockchain will need to be prepared to overcome significant barriers - both organizational and technological. Read More
5 Tech Trends That Will Redefine Your Business
These 5 key tech trends will most affect your business. Read More
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