Facebook isn’t working for people — and we don’t just mean today.

Free Press Action


We’ve known for years that social media and tech platforms are vectors for extremism, racism, misogyny, lies and violence. And guess what? It ends up Facebook knew, too. Sign our petition demanding that Congress and the Biden administration hold the platform accountable.

Thanks to Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen,1 federal regulators now have access to tens of thousands of pages of evidence that show:

  • Facebook exempts high-profile users from some or all of its rules
  • Instagram (owned by Facebook) is harmful to millions of young users
  • In 2018, Facebook switched to a new algorithm that promotes objectionable or harmful content
  • Facebook’s own tools are used to sow doubt about COVID-19 vaccines
  • Facebook takes action on only 0.6% of violent or inciting content, allowing violence against ethnic minorities and political protesters

The evidence is damning: When Facebook has to choose between people and profits, it always prioritizes its bottom line. This matters for our children, our health and our democracy. That's why we're demanding that Congress and the Biden administration hold the platform accountable — but we need you in this fight to make a difference.

Let’s be clear: Government regulation isn’t the only way to pressure social-media companies like Facebook. But in the absence of real action from Facebook, government regulation is what we need right now. And Free Press Action has real policy solutions that would make a real difference in the fight against online hate and disinformation.

It’s past time for policymakers in Washington to confront the hate-and-lie-for-profit business model of tech platforms. Policymakers must stop allowing companies like Facebook to operate unchecked. Sign our petition to hold Facebook accountable today — for our kids and for our future.

It’s an honor to be in this fight alongside you—

Rose and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Last night, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen revealed what advocates already knew all too well: When the platform is forced to choose between people and profits, it’ll always choose its bottom line. It’s clear that we need to keep applying pressure tactics directly on the company — and on policymakers in Washington. Sign our petition demanding that Congress and the Biden administration hold the platform accountable.

1. “Whistleblower: Facebook Is Misleading the Public on Progress Against Hate Speech, Violence, Misinformation,” 60 Minutes, Oct. 4, 2021

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