Watching my husband, Ken, go through his battle with cancer is the hardest thing I’ve ever faced. Trying to stay strong for him and our two young children forced my faith to grow. Without God, we couldn’t have made it. Thankfully, He led us to Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) and surrounded us with people who cared about us and strengthened our faith.

When Ken was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, we looked for the right place for him to receive treatment. We knew we had found the right place as soon as we walked in the door at CTCA®. We could feel the peace and hope radiating from the people there like rays of sunshine. I was a nurse for twelve years, and I’ve never seen a hospital like this. The medical care is excellent, and so is the spiritual support they offer.

Ken’s care team was great. They worked together to make sure he was comfortable and handling the treatments well. But even though Ken was the patient, they took care of me too. The doctors, nurses and pastoral care staff took a personal interest in both of us and supported our entire family. It was obvious they really cared about us, and that meant so much to me.

Now that Ken is feeling better, it’s wonderful to see him enjoying spending time with our children and getting back to a normal life. We’re looking forward to many more decades together, and we thank God for leading us to Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

Click here to find out more about how Cancer Treatment Centers of America made a difference in our lives.

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This testimonial includes a description of this patient’s actual medical results. Those results may not be typical or expected for the particular disease type described in this testimonial. You should not expect to experience these results.

©2015 Rising Tide

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