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Sep 27, 2017
Fallout from federal U.S. ban on Kaspersky Labs

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a ban for all federal agencies to cut ties with cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs.more…


Researcher hacks into companies through their help desk

If your company uses an internal messaging system – anything from Slack, Yammer or Facebook Workplace – it may be vulnerable in just a couple of clicks.more…

How did Wells Fargo lose data for over 50,000 customers?

Wells Fargo released 1.4 GB of files that contained customers’ names, social security numbers and sensitive details to a lawyer by accident.more…

Top 10 most dangerous artists to search for online

Users searching for their favorite artists at work are putting the company's data at risk. more…

Massive spambot hoards over 711 million email address

A researcher uncovered a spamming operation that uses a list of some 711.5 million email addresses.more…

What we know and still don't know about the Equifax data breach

Equifax, the company with the sole responsibility of storing and maintaining sensitive data of U.S. users for the purpose of credit and background checks, announced that it has compromised the identity information of some 143 million people.more…

Symantec to host cybersecurity competition for education credit

As part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, Symantec is hosting a challenge for IT and security employees. more…

11 security questions every IT pro needs to know the answer to

Many small businesses believe they fly under hackers' radar and aren't worth attacking like the larger targets. As it turns out, it's the exact opposite. more…



Find the Best 2017 Business Phone Software - Get FREE Custom Price Quotes

Old software? Inefficient workflow? Data inaccuracies? With hundreds of differences in technology, features and usability, buying a new phone system for your business can get very confusing very quickly. The independent advisors at Software Advice have reviewed almost 100 different business phone software systems and are ready to match you to the best new systems for your exact needs.

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Find the Best IT Ticketing System Software – Free Quotes & Relevant Recommendations

If yours is among the thousands of companies that invest in new help and service desk software every year, you probably want to know more about IT ticketing software. IT ticketing applications are a core function of IT service desk and help desk platforms, and the names are sometimes used interchangeably. The independent advisors at Software Advice have reviewed 35 IT ticketing software systems and are ready to provide you with reviews and price quotes from the software vendors that best meet your needs.

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