TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 13, 2016

Trump Didn't Win the Election, Hillary Lost It

By Guy T. Saperstein, AlterNet

She was exactly the wrong candidate for 2016. READ MORE»

Fascism Rising

By Stephen Hopgood, Open Democracy

The battle for human rights must be won. READ MORE»

White Flight From Reality: Inside the Racist Panic that Fueled Donald Trump's Victory

By David Masciotra, Salon

I live in a fly-over Indiana town. I assure you Donald Trump's economic policies didn't win him this election. READ MORE»

Lessons from the Successful Campaign to Defeat the Trump-Style Hate of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Arizona organizers won an important campaign against the sheriff who terrorized their community for decades. READ MORE»

White Women: We Have Helped Make a Hell of a Mess—How We Can Start to Fix It

By Magda Pecsenye,

The blame is ours, because historically we have participated in the system that created this.  READ MORE»

How Cities Can Protect People Threatened By Trumpism

By Arun Gupta, YES! Magazine

A lot of horrendous things are threatening to happen, so we need to resist fiercely. READ MORE»

Anti-Privatization Education Victories We Can Rally Around

By Jeff Bryant, Blog for Our Future

It's time progressive Democrats took their party back.  READ MORE»

Kris Kobach, Architect Of Draconian Anti-Immigrant Policies, Joining Trump’s Transition Team

By Miranda Blue, Right Wing Watch

Kobach is the force behind anti-immigrant laws throughout the country. READ MORE»

Yes, the White Male Anger that Fueled Trump’s Victory Was Real—But It Isn’t Valid

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Make no mistake, Trumpers are angry. What they're angry about is the loss of unearned race and gender privilege. READ MORE»

Michael Moore Extends the Olive Branch to Thanksgiving Tables Across America

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The Michigan filmmaker has a "get along guide" for families with mixed ideologies approaching a Trump presidency together.  READ MORE»

How Robert Reich Plans to Turn 'Liberal Rage' Into a 'Resistance Army' to Contain Trump's 'Poison'

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

“We have not seen this degree of potential harm,” he said of the Trump presidency.  READ MORE»

Bill McKibben: Trump's Presidency Comes When the Warming World Can Least Afford It

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The World Meteorological Organization has reported that the five years from 2011 to 2015 were the hottest on record READ MORE»

Michael Moore Wants to Lead an Anti-Donald Trump Resistance 'That Will Dwarf Occupy Wall Street'

By Brendan Gauthier, Salon

Trump, he argued, "doesn't have any ideology; the only thing he believes in is Donald Trump." READ MORE»

Sen. Harry Reid's Fierce and Powerful Statement Against Trump

By April M. Short, AlterNet

"The election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry in America.”  READ MORE»

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