"Some people believe strategic thinking is an inherent talent that individuals either possess or don't. They think there is little way to develop such capability if you don't already possess the 'gift.'' I believe that anyone can develop a strategic-thinking capability using the advice provided in this book." - Fred Sievert

An Invaluable Christ-Centered, Career-Building Resource for Now and for the Future.

Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence combines five biblical principles and ten practical proven business tips for anyone entering the workforce for the first time or re-entering following an extended absence due to military service, child-rearing or after reimagining a new post-pandemic career path.
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I wish I had read this book when I entered the workforce three decades ago.
                                                                               —J. Scott Davison
                                                              Chairman, President and CEO, OneAmerica
Meet the Author
Over the course of his long and successful career, author Fred Sievert, retired president of New York Life Insurance Company, mentored several people who later became CEOs or presidents of their organizations.

He offers his unique combination of experiences as a Christian executive, a mentor, a business school instructor, and a recent divinity school graduate, to develop a book packed with practical Christ-centered advice.
Implement the Fast-Start Tips with this Workbook
The companion workbook summarizes key points, action steps and cautionary advice providing readers with a tool to track their progress toward early career success. Each chapter of the workbook ends with a sample prayer that provides a way for readers to approach God for guidance in implementing and realizing the value of the advice contained throughout the book.  
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A Lifetime of stellar leadership in business and in nonprofit organizations compressed in readable and easily digestible lessons. A book of savvy coaching and spiritual advice alike! 
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