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FBI nabs CEO of encrypted phone company for sales to cartels, gangs

Phantom Secure, the company accused of selling the devices, also has the ability to remotely wipe all of their phones.

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How Woodford Reserve tapped a growing luxury goods e-commerce market

Android users more loyal to mobile OS than iPhone users, study finds

10 retailers using chatbots to boost customer service and sales

Drone deliveries in the US could happen 'within months'

New infrared sensors could revolutionize phone cameras, AR glasses, and driverless cars

Cortana will now read your email and let you verbally compose a response

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IoT survey: Does your company have an IoT strategy?

Does your company have a strategy for IoT? How does your company use IoT devices? Is your company collecting IoT data? Has your company had challenges with IoT implementation? Take this quick survey from sister site Tech Pro Research.

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How to optimize the smart office

New technologies are optimizing today's offices for better collaboration, improved productivity, energy efficiency, and employee health.

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