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FDA Goes Against Committee to Approve First New Alzheimer’s Drug in 20 Years

Researchers have found that bees' tiny hairs reduce friction from motions, saving energy for the industrious insects' daily activities while reducing wear and tear.

The research involved precisely monitored soil samples subjected to a palette of very high-resolution analytical chemistry in the lab.

A new technique uses high-throughput sequencing, instead of a microscope, to obtain ultra-high-resolution images of gene expression from a tissue slide.

Researchers demonstrated they could accurately pull out individual images stored as DNA sequences from a set of 20 images.

Researchers have created a plant-based, sustainable, scalable material that could replace single-use plastics in many consumer products.

The Scavenger Series portable fume/particle extractors are an inexpensive solution to all small

Portable full-range handheld spectrometer that is fast, accurate, and easy to use

ASD QualitySpec

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