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Thursday, April 15, 2021

News Headlines

FDA says to decrease reuse of devices, CMS removes some blanket waivers

Be aware that as COVID-19 cases decline and vaccination rates climb, the emergency...

Preventing opioid overprescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic

The U.S. has wrestled with the demons of the opioid epidemic for decades, and even a global...

New survey reveals how hospital supply chains affect nurses, patient safety, and margins

Of 100 nurses surveyed—50 nurse leaders and 50 frontline nurses—in February, 86% said...

The trouble with normal?

Mac's Safety Space: It always gets worse!


Healthcare Life Safety Compliance

Arizona Surge Line works to even out patient surge

Consider joining forces with local or even statewide hospitals to find beds for patients during an emergency surge. The plan could improve patient care while saving precious resources like money, manpower, and staff energy when setting up alternate care sites.

Hospitals banded together with state public health officials in Arizona to create the Arizona Surge Line (ASL), a centralized call center manned 24/7 to quickly find the appropriate level of care and bed space for COVID-19 patients across the state, while also managing patient surges to prevent overwhelming any single facility.



Healthcare Safety Leader

Winter storm in Texas tests concept of 'all-hazards planning'

As an experienced trauma nurse with a master’s degree in emergency management, Lori Upton has been through a lot of disasters in the Houston area.

She’s experienced the hurricanes and tropical storms that southeastern Texas is vulnerable to, deployed to New York with a medical team after 9/11, and worked a regular job at a county Level I trauma center.

From there, she oversaw emergency department operations at several hospitals and now is vice president of disaster preparedness and response for the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council (SERTAC), also based in Houston.


Medical Environment Update

Don't blame the pandemic: Healthcare burnout predates it

After the pandemic ends, healthcare leaders may feel tempted to take the easy route and blame all the problems on the pandemic, including burnout. However, it’s not that simple. Of the physicians experiencing burnout, 79% said their condition began before the pandemic started.

Julie O'Shaughnessy, CHE, CPHQ, is the managing director at Huron Consulting Group and has more than 30 years of hands-on healthcare industry experience. She says that the high burnout rate can’t solely be blamed on increased pandemic workloads, but that it’s also “reflective of a myriad of inefficient systems and processes that can impact a healthcare provider’s well-being.”





Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Fourth Edition

Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Fourth Edition

This book will provide readers with:

  • A floor-by-floor analysis to help all staff better prepare for a life safety survey
  • Expert analysis by a life safety expert with experience in multiple accrediting organizations as well as CMS
  • Photos illustrating where citations can happen to help you better understand potential trouble spots during survey
  • Tools and tips for more efficient survey preparation

Order today!


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Brian Ward

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949


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