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July 9, 2020
There doesn’t seem to be much faith in the peaceful transition of power, if the burgeoning canon of postelection pulp horror is any guide.
By Matt Ford
The Limits of Democrats’ Climate ProgressThe Unity Task Force climate recommendations are a huge improvement on policy proposals last election cycle. Now what?

By Kate Aronoff
The Supreme Court Brings the Presidency Back From a Lawless BrinkToday's decisions may not provide the deus ex machina that brings down Trump, but they slam the brakes on runaway executive power.

By Matt Ford
Inside the VA’s Long-Standing Racism ProblemA Confederate-friendly Trump appointee and an involuntary Juneteenth dress-up are just the latest in a long history of indignities for black veterans and caregivers.

By Jasper Craven
Neil Gorsuch Affirms That Treaties With Tribal Nations Are the Law
In upholding the Muscogee (Creek) Nation’s treaty-guaranteed lands, the justices did something simple but unexpected.

By Nick Martin
The Obscure Treaty That Could Kill a Global Green RecoveryThe Energy Charter Treaty, with 53 signatories, allows energy companies to sue states that make their business unprofitable.

By Kate Aronoff
The Shallowness of the Self-Aware NovelistAndrew Martin’s characters spend a lot of time gently mocking their own privilege.

By Ryu Spaeth
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