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Money Management Magazine 
Volume 34 No. 16  | 10 September 2020

Latest issue of Money Management

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Featured Article:

COVID-19 impacts winners and losers in latest
Crown Ratings rebalance


In one of the first full-market assessments since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest FE fundinfo Crown Ratings rebalance has revealed a picture of outcomes driven as much by luck as strategy.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and how markets and sectors sought to deal with it has proven crucial to determining the winners and losers in the latest rebalance of the FE fundinfo Crown Ratings with March representing the inflection point at which normally reliable strategies fell short while other, highly-specific strategies paid dividends.

Read the full article on page 21.

Money Management's Top Stories:


In case you missed them, here are
this week's most read articles:

  1. How some people paid nearly $300 for free super early release
  2. How spooked super fund members crystallised their losses
  3. AMP is right on BOLR asserts De Ferrari
  4. NAB super entities hit by $57.5 million court penalties
  5. We have the power to obtain documents says ASIC

Guide to Managed Accounts

Money Management's Guide to Managed Accounts 2020 looks at how Managed Accounts have weathered the extraordinary circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read it online
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