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Money Management Magazine 
Volume 34 No. 14  |  13 August 2020

Latest issue of Money Management

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Featured Article:

LIF, life and tough times for insurers

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Less than 12 months out from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s review of the Life Insurance Framework, the Australian life insurance industry has rarely known tougher times.

Every life/risk adviser knows that 2021 is a crucial year not only for their business but for the broader life insurance industry because that is when the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) will review the Life Insurance Framework (LIF). But what has already become clear is that while the Federal Government scheduled the review of LIF back in 2017/18, much has changed including the factors which gave rise to the framework in the first place – specifically commission-based remuneration and so-called policy ‘churn’. 

Read the full article on page 15.

Money Management's Top Stories:


In case you missed them, here are
this week's most read articles:

  1. The multi-million hit to industry super fund fees
  2. ASIC green lights super fund financial advice model
  3. AMP FP sees adviser numbers drop below 1,000
  4. How ASIC decided against reporting on super fund inducements to employers
  5. Will ASIC use new powers on insurance adviser remuneration?

Guide to Managed Accounts

Money Management's Guide to Managed Accounts 2020 looks at how Managed Accounts have weathered the extraordinary circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read it online
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