With the introduction of generative AI, even more business users are going to create low-code/no-code applications. Prepare to protect them.
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 May 20, 2023
Generative AI Empowers Users but Challenges Security
With the introduction of generative AI, even more business users are going to create low-code/no-code applications. Prepare to protect them.
Enterprises Rely on Multicloud Security to Protect Cloud Workloads
As enterprises adopt multicloud, the security picture has gotten foggy. Cloud workload protection platforms and distributed firewalls are creating clarity.
5 Ways Security Testing Can Aid Incident Response
Organizations can focus on these key considerations to develop their cybersecurity testing programs sustainably.
Rebinding Attacks Persist With Spotty Browser Defenses
DNS rebinding attacks are not often seen in the wild, which is one reason that browser makers have taken a slower approach to adopting the web security standard.
Data Siloes: Overcoming the Greatest Challenge in SecOps
It's not lack of data that's the problem, but the inability to piece it together to truly understand and reduce risk.
Break the DDoS Attack Loop With Rate Limiting
This Tech Tip demonstrates how security engineers can best use rate limits to mitigate distributed denial-of-service attacks.
Microsoft Azure VMs Hijacked in Cloud Cyberattack
Cybercrime group that often uses smishing for initial access bypassed traditional OS targeting and evasion techniques to directly gain access to the cloud.

KeePass Vulnerability Imperils Master Passwords
A newly discovered bug in the open source password manager, if exploited, lets attackers retrieve a target's master password — and proof-of-concept code is available.

10 Types of AI Attacks CISOs Should Track
Risk from artificial intelligence vectors presents a growing concern among security professionals in 2023.

Making Sure Lost Data Stays Lost
Retired hardware and forgotten cloud virtual machines are a trove of insecure confidential data. Here's how to ameliorate that weakness.
New Competition Focuses on Hardening Cryptosystems
The Technology Innovation Institute’s year-long cryptographic challenges invite participants to assess the concrete hardness of McEliece public-key encryption scheme.
Name That Edge Toon: Fare Thee Well
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
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    Credential theft, lateral movement and other cyberattack tricks have foiled perimeter security again and again. We know that the old philosophy of trusting everything and everyone inside a network is no longer sound. The zero-trust model - trust nothing, verify ...

  • Next-Generation Supply Chain Security

    Supply chain attacks are on the rise. Attackers are injecting malicious code into software and hardware components to create backdoors into the organization. As the Kaseya attack demonstrated, compromising a widely used product gives attackers privileged access into corporate networks. ...

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  • How Enterprises Are Managing Application Security Risks in a Heightened Threat Environment

    Concerns over API security and low-code/no-code use added to an already-full plate of application security challenges for many organizations over the last year. IT and security decision-makers are deeply concerned about compromises resulting from vulnerabilities in the software supply ...

  • The 10 Most Impactful Types of Vulnerabilities for Enterprises Today

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  • The Promise and Reality of Cloud Security

    Cloud security has been part of the cybersecurity conversation for years but has been on the sidelines for most enterprises. The shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic and digital transformation projects have moved cloud infrastructure front-and-center as enterprises ...

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