Patch Tuesday turned security updates from chaotic events into a routine. Here's how we got here and where things might be heading.
Patch Tuesday turned security updates from chaotic events into a routine. Here's how we got here and where things might be heading.
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 March 18, 2023
How Patch Tuesday Keeps the Beat After 20 Years
Patch Tuesday turned security updates from chaotic events into a routine. Here's how we got here and where things might be heading.
Technology Firms Delivering Much-Sought Encryption-in-Use
If the approaches stand up to scrutiny, companies may soon be able to encrypt most databases in a way that allows using data without needing to decrypt to plaintext.
Google Proposes Reducing TLS Cert Life Span to 90 Days
Organizations will likely have until the end of 2024 to gain visibility and control over their keys and certificates.
Orgs Have a Long Way to Go in Securing Remote Workforce
Organizations recognize that they are responsible for protecting remote workers from cyber threats, but they have a long way to go in deploying the necessary security technologies.
How Do Attackers Hijack Old Domains and Subdomains?
Here is a cautionary tale of what happens if you don't remove obsolete side projects or sections of your website: Someone might hijack your subdomain.
Proposed FCC Rule Redefines Data Breaches for Communications Carriers
If the proposed rule is approved, organizations would need to disclose all data breaches, even ones that don't cause any harm, to affected customers.

'Skinny' Cyber-Insurance Policies Create Compliance Path
It's getting hard to buy cyber insurance, but not having it is not always an option. Low-coverage plans could bridge the gap.

Machine Learning Improves Prediction of Exploited Vulnerabilities
The third iteration of the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) performs 82% better than previous versions, giving companies a better tool for evaluating vulnerabilities and prioritizing patching.
Name That Edge Toon: Domino Effect
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

SVB Meltdown: What It Means for Cybersecurity Startups' Access to Capital
The implosion of Silicon Valley Bank will impact investors, startups, and enterprise customers as they become more cautious over the near term, security experts say.
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