Inside the baseball team's strategy for building next-gen security operations through zero trust and initiatives aiming to safeguard team data, fan info, and the iconic Fenway Park — which, by the way, is now a smart stadium.
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 June 08, 2024
Inside Baseball: The Red Sox Cloud Security Game
Inside the baseball team's strategy for building next-gen security operations through zero trust and initiatives aiming to safeguard team data, fan info, and the iconic Fenway Park — which, by the way, is now a smart stadium.
Name That Edge Toon: Zonked Out
Feeling creative? Submit your caption and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
NIST Commits to Plan to Resume NVD Work
The agency aims to burn down the backlog of vulnerabilities waiting to be added to the National Vulnerabilities Database via additional funding, third-party contract, and a partnership with CISA.
Trend Micro, Nvidia Partner to Secure AI Data Centers
With companies pouring billions into AI software and hardware, these installations need to be protected from cybersecurity threats and other security lapses.
Cybersecurity Job Hunting May Come Down to Certifications
If current cybersecurity workers only fill 85% of the need in the US, why are so many people still looking for positions? The data from the private-public NIST partnership CyberSeek offers some insight.
Ways iOS Sideloading Can Be More Secure
Sideloading apps is now possible on iOS devices, forcing Apple to add some security features in an attempt to mitigate the dangers of loading unknown apps.
Technology, Regulations Can't Save Orgs From Deepfake Harm
Monetary losses, reputational damage, share price declines — it's hard to counter, much less try to stay ahead of, AI-based attacks.

OpenAI Disrupts 5 AI-Powered, State-Backed Influence Ops
Most of the operations were feckless efforts with little impact, but they illustrate how AI is changing the game for inauthentic content on both the adversary and defense sides.

Ticketmaster Breach Showcases SaaS Data Security Risks
MFA and other mechanisms are critical to protect against unauthorized access to data in cloud application environments, but businesses still fall down on the job.

9 Tips to Avoid Burnout in Cybersecurity
When security professionals are at the end of their rope — feeling both mentally and physically exhausted — it's often because of burnout. Here are ways to combat it.

Lawyers Ask Forensics Investigators for Help Outside Cybersecurity
Attorneys are increasingly realizing that forensics investigators have skills analyzing documents and uncovering digital clues that could help them in non-cybersecurity cases.

Understanding Security's New Blind Spot: Shadow Engineering
In the rush to digital transformation, many organizations are exposed to security risks associated with citizen developer applications without even knowing it.
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